Sunday, August 10, 2008

My weekend

This weekend was so nice and relaxing, i loved it! Friday night i went to dinner and a movie with my cousins Megan and Kelly and while waiting for them at the bar at applebees I may have procured a job from the gent and his wife sitting next to me. We saw sister hood of the traveling pants 2, i know i know, but it actually wasn't bad. Incredibly cheasy and what not but i've seen much worse.
Then i met up with some friends to celebrate mellissas 21st at pepinos. That was mediocre but still relaxing so nice.
Yesterday I had a relaxing day baking for a picnic I had to go to for my Aunt carol. She is getting married in October and we got to meet her new step kids. They all seemed so nice and very loving-she found a good family to join. I had a pretty good time there seeing everyone but of course no one my age and my dear husband left me to it all alone...weenie.
And of course after the party we went to Joshs sisters for a pool "Party" It was incredibly tame ben and i swam and then pretty much just watched the olympics and played with amys two pups until midnight and went home.
All in all a very relaxing weekend. Tonight we have church and i don't know what else but i have my final book in the twilight series so i'll prob. loose my self in that for a while.
and that's all i got

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