Wednesday, October 15, 2008

men and women...soooooo different!

So I know that everyone knows this but hey just another reason to add in the big book.

So this morning I had the pleasure of giving a 7:20 massage. So I get up and get ready about 6:30(i live litterally a minute from work) and have breakfast even though my husband said he was going to make it for us but is now on the computer. Go to work do the massage get back around 8:25 hoping to crawl back into bed with my husband and stay there until he had to go to work. I push open the front door to find him playing his play station the first words out of his mouth
"Hey baby how are you? I'm going to do the dishes as soon as i finish this level." He's been up since 6:30 and has done nothing but play video games! ha

so the difference?

Woman sees time to spend togather seeing as we are both home in the morning at the same time for once

Man sees nothing but the video games, not the dishes in the sink, or the un-made bed and couch or a chance to help.

Now I ask If the shoe was on the other foot what do you think the woman would do? clean things up, or would she also dink around the house and ignore it?

What would you do?

Male or female let me know.

**********Just a disclaimer this is not meant to make anyone sound bad it's just noting the differences and wondering if this is just my home that functions this way***********

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