Monday, October 13, 2008


We just got back from a weekend trip to Pitsberg to visit John, it was fun but we stayed in the most disgusting hotel!!! Also driving back and forth and sleeping in a tiny bed with ben has reeked havoc on my back and neck. But lucky me i got into my chiro practer tonight for an adjustment.
It's monday and that means i'm at my nanny gig, Levi and I are getting along well for the most part, we are going to the zoo later today. Hopefully Megan and Ryer might be coming too, I thought of asking Racine to go but i can never get a hold of her anymore. (what's up with that racine!!!=))
So the overwhelming part for me is financial. everything is working out fine now but in the coming semester hopefully ben will be getting into school. meaning he won't be working as much. Massage has really picked up and nannying is helping but i don't know if that is going to be enough.

Another reason for feeling overwhelmed is I am in GR with Levi and Jackson from 7 am to 6 pm and then i have the 6:40 chiro apt. and I will be going home to a trashed house, a suit case full of dirty laundry, a laundry basket of sheets and towels for work and a sink full of dirty dishes from this morning. *insert an exasperated sigh here.

Well thats all for now, time to play reader rabbit with levi because little einsteins are finished. woohoo!

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